Due to environmental change and pollusion, there are more and more negative substance and free radicals in daily life. The substance mentioned above enter bodies of atopic patients, whose immune systems are weaker, and leads to the fact that skin humidity level of patients is easy to lose and furthermore cause the skin to be itchy.
丹羽療法結合飲食療法,與食用SOD樣作用物質以及Roobios Tea、並外用丹羽醫生研發之混合軟膏,以及搭配礦石浴療法,幫助患者去除體內的自由基之外,更使因長時間破壞而造成苔蘚化硬化的皮膚回復正常狀態。
Dan -Yu therapy uses diet therap. Besides, by eating SOD substance,Roobios Tea, applying mixed ointment,which is invented by Dr.Niwa, and "stone bath", the whole therapy not only help patients remove the free radicals from bodies but also make the demaged skin recover to a health situation.
for further info, please check offical website( this link to Chinese ver. page):